Our street address is 4510 Horseshoe Pike in Honey Brook, PA 19344, in Chester County in southeastern Pennsylvania (in some places outside of our community and on the Internet, you may see "Honeybrook" spelled as just one single word, but the correct spelling is two words; "Honey" and "Brook").
Our mailing address is PO Box 178, Honey Brook, PA 19344.
Our church office is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am to noon.
Our telephone number is (610) 273-9548 and our fax number is (610) 273-9549.
To meet with our pastor, please call the church office and make an appointment.
If you prefer, you can complete this "Contact Us" form 24/7/365 - after you "submit" the form, your information will be automatically sent to both the pastor and the office at Honey Brook United Methodist Church.